March 30, 2010

Is it time for a change? or a change for the times?

This is a born-again blog: born again, several times, in fact.

It began in the darkest days of the Great Downturn of 2009, with stories told through the eyes of a confused, sad, mysteriously-spared survivor: me.

It morphed into happier stories of transformation: how laid-off people were changing their lives and going after new dreams or long-forgotten aspirations.

Now it is about my own transformation; how I intend to pursue my own dreams, my own long-shelved career aspirations, my own pursuit of freedom and independence.

For nearly 20 years, my peace symbol necklace has been more than a small token of unspoken rebellion; it's been a symbol of hope that someday I might find the courage, tenacity, and opportunity to create a new path for myself.

The time has come.

This is my journey.
Surviving the Great Downturn of 2009.