May 29, 2010


I love slivered almonds.

I love slivers of sunlight streaking through gray storm clouds at a summer sunset, like slivers of God.

I love the slivers of chocolate and mint in those little Fannie May candies with the green sliver sandwiched neatly in the middle.   When I was a kid, I would pull them apart ever so carefully and eat each piece individually.

I love slivers of truth in Freudian slips.

I love slivers of epiphanies as they hit you while you are pumping up the volume on a much-needed workout.

I love slivers of kisses in public and giggling that people will think we're too old to be acting this way.

I love slivers of breezes that fill the sails and make them luff and laugh with promise.

I love slivers of hope and revelation that dawn with the new day just when you think the night is closing in.

I love slivers. 

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Surviving the Great Downturn of 2009.