April 7, 2010

"I write ... sort of ... business stuff... zzzzzzz"

I rent a room in a house for an artists-in-residence foundation. It gives me a place to crash when I have to be here to work. And it gives the foundation a little bit of steady income.

Since I started staying here five months ago, I've met a poet, an architecture professor, and a painter from Korea. The poet is now a friend of mine on Facebook. The professor is off presenting his research in Finland. And the Korean painter -- well, I think she went home, after spending much of her time making sure I didn't eat any of her food in the fridge.

But suddenly, all at once, there are 3 other people here .....

... a painter, who's transformed the garage into his private studio;

.... a performance artist;

and a sculptor I haven't crossed paths with yet.

Being a bit of an oddball myself, I thought I'd actually fit in pretty well with funky people like this. So what's the reaction of the artists when they meet me? "You're not an ARTIST? So why are you HERE? You do WHAT? WHY?"

Good questions.


  1. These people don't know that writing is an art? It's time for you to educate them.

  2. Are you kidding me? You lived with a Korean artist who monitored her food pantry & your fridge like the soup Nazi on Seinfeld? I wanna hear more about this adventure! I agree with Heather...use your gift to educate some while entertaining and enlightening others. Share, damnit, share...that's what you are supposed to be doing with your storytelling talent!!!! You have no idea how interesting you are, do you?!?!

  3. I wasn't even sure you existed for the first two weeks I was there last winter. I had heard rumors of someone staying in the back bedroom from time to time, but she had yet to materialize. What a nice surprise to learn that not only do we share a love for writing, but that we also have mutual friends. And to be honest, I was afraid of accidentally using something of yours from the fridge (perhaps some leftover mojo from the Korean artist). Hopefully our paths will cross again.

    Christina Lovin (the poet in the blue room)


Surviving the Great Downturn of 2009.